Art School of Northern Helsinki

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maalaus Saara Mehtonen
arkkitehtuuri painotteisen opetusryhmän teos

Basic studies (6-12 year olds)

Basic studies guide the child into the richness and plurality of the world of visual images. The aim is to widen the child’s personal creativity by encouraging him/her to experiment and to look at things from various angles and to enhance the ways of perception.

The children are provided with the basic elements of visual expression. The learning consists of drawing, painting, graphic art/print-making, ceramics/sculpting and constructing plus basics of photography and photoshop. Pupils are taught the grounds of composition, color, anatomy and perspective.

© Art School of Northern Helsinki 2016


  • Jaa!

Art School of Northern Helsinki

Main school and office:
Itä-Pakila, Ohrahuhdantie 2 B, 00680 Helsinki

tel: 045 124 3586

The School is partly funded by 
